Farid Ali Yafi


Jaran  Kenchak,  Faith,  Tradition,  Sumenep,  Preaching, Tauhid This study examines the faith messages in the Jaran Kenchak  tradition  in  Cabbiya  Village,  Talango  District, Sumenep Regency, Madura. This study aims to identify and analyze the faith messages contained in the Jaran Kenchak tradition  in  Cabbiya  Village,  as  well  as  how  the  local community  interprets  and  preserves  this  tradition  in  their religious  context.  Using  descriptive  qualitative  research methods and ethnographic approaches, data collection was carried out through field observations, in-depth interviews with community leaders, cultural observers, and activists of the  Jaran  Kenchak  tradition  in  Sumenep,  and documentation. This study also analyzes the forms, symbols, and processions in Jaran Kenchak related to the teachings of  tauhid  and  Islamic  values.  The  results  of  the  study indicate that Jaran Kenchak is not only a symbol of cultural pride,  but  also  a  means  of  preaching  that  strengthens Islamic faith among the people of Sumenep.


Jaran Kenchak, Akidah, Tradisi, Sumenep, Dakwah, Tauhid

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Program Pascasarjana
Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara