Roby Putra Yahya, Diana Farid, Muhammad Husni Abdulah Pakarti, Hendriana Hendriana, Muhammad Farid Hasan


Hudud punishment is a legal system based on religion and is applied in several countries that adhere to Islam. This punishment is included in the category of very harsh punishments, such as stoning, flogging, and amputation. In this context, this abstract aims to investigate the influence of Hudud Punishment on the formation of legal awareness and crime prevention in society. This study uses a descriptive-analytical method which involves secondary data analysis in the form of literature, research reports, and case studies that are relevant to the themes discussed. The findings of this study demonstrate the complex and multi-dimensional influence of Hudud Punishment on legal awareness and crime prevention in society. In this context, legal awareness and effective crime prevention do not only depend on a strict legal system, but also require a holistic and comprehensive approach. In the context of Hudud Punishment, the need for a broader approach can include efforts to increase legal education, promote ethical and moral values, and empower communities in facing legal challenges. Overall, this research highlights the importance of considering broader factors in shaping legal awareness and crime prevention in society. Strict legal systems such as the Hudud Penalty can play an important role in providing a deterrent effect and reducing crime, but they also pose complexities and challenges that need to be overcome. In facing this challenge, an approach based on a deep understanding of law and human values is the key to achieving better legal awareness and preventing crime in society.

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