Caring for Peace and Conducting MoU Results in Aceh (Study of Southeast Aceh Society Perceptions)

Mustapa Kamil Alga Beruh, Lusiana Lusiana


A lot of the questions that form the basis of this writing are the result of the author's own observations in the field where the author himself felt there was a weakness that required the author to analyze it with various approaches, both historical approaches and so on. The conflict in aceh is an inhuman crime because it is judged by many events that are indeed designed by the government of both the local government and the central government that has an interest in the land of Aceh, with the utopian political pretext known as the independence of the Aceh people. This is a great foolishness committed by the rule against the Aceh community itself, if the government should be grateful for the peace that is enshrined in the MoU between the Indonesian government and the Aceh Free Movement, but with that little is able to restore the conditions of the Aceh people to feel democracy. However, from the outcome of the conflict in Aceh during this time many parties have actually exploited the situation in order to gain personal gain, then through this writing the author hopes there is a spark of hope that can give peace and reveal who is actually behind the violent events in Aceh, but who is benefited from the results of the peace has not been able to reveal the reality that the society of Aceh is happening under such conditions, because in the value of the MoU is born which society is being represented for such peace and also what their motivations are joined in the movement of Aceh Merdeka or GAM.

Keywords: Peace, Conflict, MoU, Aceh, 

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Abhee Antara,Teori Konspirasi Peristiwa Kasus Isu Politik di Indonesia dan Dunia, (Jakarta Selatan, TransMedia, 2013)



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Jurnal Al-Harakah

Dipublikasikan oleh Program Studi Pemikiran Politik Islam
Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Studi Islam, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan