Aminuddin Aminuddin



Ideology is a series of values (norms) or a basic value system that is comprehensive and in-depth and is owned and held by a society or nation as their insight or outlook on life. Pancasila is an ideology for the Indonesian nation because Pancasila is a belief that is considered most appropriate for carrying out the state system of the Republic of Indonesia. The Pancasila principle explored by Sukarno is still firmly planted in the hearts of the Indonesian people, so that it remains a cultural characteristic of the Indonesian nation. One of the dimensions of the civilizing movement, which also means its practice in real life, is the development of ideas about the values of Pancasila that remain within the framework of the paradigm or the true content of nature and serve as the foundation for shaping the morals and character of the multicultural Indonesian nation so that harmonious relations in diversity stay awake. For this reason, in maintaining the ideology of national culture, of course, we try to re-instill an understanding of the values of Pancasila as the philosophy of the Indonesian State.


Keywords: Soekarno, , Pemikiran Pancasila

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Jurnal Al-Harakah

Dipublikasikan oleh Program Studi Pemikiran Politik Islam
Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Studi Islam, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan