Penerapan Metode Dynamic Cell Spreading (Dcs) Untuk Menyembunyikan Teks Pada Video

Muhammad Iqbal Pratama Batubara, Rismayanti Rismayanti, Yessi Fitri Annisah


Ease of communication creates a new need, namely securing information transmitted on the communication network from sender to receiver. One form of information sent is a picture. Easily sending information to various media often misuses data so that in this study the author will use the Steganography Technique, which is a technique and art to hide messages or information in a medium, such as text, images, audio or video which aims to avoid suspicion from people who not entitled to. This study utilizes a dynamic cell spreading (DCS) algorithm. The way the dcs algorithm works is that the message hiding is done by inserting it in the low LSB (Least Significant Bit) bit of the pixel data that makes up the file using a memory buffer as a temporary storage medium. The purpose of this research is to know how to design and analyze a data security application system with the steganography technique to hide data in video files with MP4 format using dynamic cell spreading (dcs) methods and to know the process of inserting data and extracting data in a video file with the format mp4. The results obtained are in the form of an application that can secure video files with the Mp4 format that can avoid data theft.

Keywords: Data, media, steganography, algorithm

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