Qur'an and As-sunnah. The methodology in this research is descriptive with a quantitative approach. The sampling technique was purposive sampling with a sample of 38 students. Data collection techniques are distributed through Likert scale questionnaires. The total number of items as many as 36 items relating to the values of Islamic education in improving student character. The collected data were analyzed using a percentage statistical formula. Procedures for implementing BK services in implementing Islamic educational values include the following: (1) lecturers associate
each material with Islamic educational values that will shape the character of students by playing games, telling stories, drawing, giving examples, expressing themselves, discussing student data in accordance with the needs assessment (2) expressing students 'feelings / ideas, / thoughts, (3) exploring students' feelings / ideas / thoughts, (4) discussing the results of exploring / deepening their feelings / ideas / thoughts with
concepts Islamic education, (5) students plan behaviors that will be carried out in the future.
Keyword: Islamic Education Values, Character, Guidance and Counseling.
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