rapidly amidst the tight competition among the cellular operator companies in
Indonesia. Realizing that it is very crucial to keep the customers and to find more
potential customers, the company strives to upgrade network quality and adjust fare. The
company’s most potential customers are employees. The formulation of the problem was
to what extent the influence of network quality and simPATI’s fare on loyalty. The aim
of this research was to know and to analyze the influence of network quality and
simPATI’s fare on loyalty. The research was descriPT.ive quantitative;. The data were
processed by using SPSS version 16 software. The hypothesis was tested by using
multiple linear regression analysis, F test and t test in order to know the influence of
independent variables on the dependent variables in the liability of 95% (α =0.05). The
data were collected by questionnaires. The result of the research from the simultaneous
test showed that the network quality and simPATI’s fare had positive influence on loyalty.
The variables of the network quality played an important role in determining the loyalty
of Aceh Singkil government employee, compared with the variables of simPATI’s fare.
The variables of network quality and simPATI’s fare were able to explain their role in
giving the satisfaction of the pre-paid Telkomsel consumers 35,2% to the Aceh Singkil
government employees, and the rest (64,8%) was explained by the other variables which
were not studied in this research. The conclusion of this research was that network
quality and simPATI’s fare had significant influence on the Aceh Singkil government
Keywords: Kualitas, Tarif dan Loyalitas.
Full Text:
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