many people around the world. One of the services that are projected will determine
the survival of the organization of the providers of cellular telecommunications
services are broadband services. On the other hand, tough competition
in the mobile telecommunications industry in Indonesia has resulted in
high customer churn rate. Churn is a representation of the consumer switching
behavior. The switching behavior is partly due to three factors namely consumer
dissatisfaction, situational conditions, and Switching Cost. Parameters
Simultaneously Attached Users Sumbagut customers Telkomsel data showed a
decline in the first quarter of 2014, this parameter as one of the indicators of
churn. This study aims to determine the significance of these three factors
influence the behavior of consumers switching broadband mobile telecommunications
services in Sumbagut. The results showed that the overall contribution
of the influence of the independent variables of consumer dissatisfaction,
situational conditions, and Switching Cost jointly to switch on the consumer
behavior in Sumbagut broadband services amounted to 74.1%. Remaining a
contribution of 25.9% is determined by other factors besides predictor contained
in this research model. The study then showed that consumer dissatisfaction
variable (β = 1,126) and situational conditions (β = 0948) significantly affects
customer switching behavior broadband services. Variable Switching Cost no
significant effect on the behavior of the switch, which is caused by the characteristics
of broadband services that have a low level because of the relational
nature of its services in the form of a 'one-way interaction'. Value Odds Ratio
consumer dissatisfaction is 1,126 and situational conditions of 1012.
Keywords: Jasa Broadband, Simultaneously Attached Users, Churn
Full Text:
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Undang-undang No. 36 Tahun 1999 tentang Telekomunikasi
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