Hadi Pramono, Isfenti Sadalia Lubis, Arlina Nurbaity Lubis


The objective of the research is to find out and to analyze the influence of intellectual capital
which consists of customer capital, human capital, and structural capital simultaneously on the
managerial performance of PT. Bank SUMUT, the influence of the variables of customer capital,
human capital, and structural capital partially on the managerial performance of PT. Bank SUMUT,
and to find out the intellectual capital which consists of customer capital, human capital, and
structural capital from the financial-ratio perspective of PT. Bank SUMUT. The research method used
is a survey approach. The research type is a quantitative descriptive and the characteristic is an
explanatory descriptive. Data collecting method is done by providing a list of written questions and
documentation study. Data analyzing method used is the multiple- linear regression and SPSS software.
The result of descriptive-statistical analysis shows that intellectual capital which consists of customer
capital, human capital, and structural capital and the managerial performance of PT. Bank SUMUT is
categorized very agreeable and each variable tested is normally distributed. The simultaneous-research
result shows the intellectual capital which consists of customer capital, human capital, and structural
capital influence positively and significantly the managerial performance of PT. Bank SUMUT. The
partial- research result shows the variables of customer capital, human capital, and structural capital
influence positively and significantly the managerial performance of PT. Bank SUMUT. The financialratio
perspective shows it is in line with the managerial performance of PT. Bank SUMUT. The
determinant coefficient value (adjusted R square) is 82.2% which means that the ability of customer
capital, human capital, and structural capital can describe the variation of managerial performance of
PT. Bank SUMUT, and the remaining 17.8% is influenced by other variables excluded from the
Keywords: Intellectual Capital, Customer Capital, Human Capital, Structural Capital, Managerial

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