Bom Bunuh Diri Menurut Hukum Islam

A Aminuddin


This study aims to determine suicide bombings according to Islamic law. What are the opinions, arguments, analyses and assessments of scholars regarding the suicide bombing law. The purpose of this study is to find out what are the motives of suicide bombers, whether the suicide bombing is included in the terrorism activities or can be categorized as jihad fi sabilillah, and what conditions cause the ability to carry out suicide bombings. This research method is library research, namely by examining or reviewing books or literature and writings related to the problem being studied with a descriptive and comparative approach (presenting data or opinions of scholars and comparing the data obtained then conclusions are drawn looking for similarities, differences and opinions which are most considered strong). The result of this study is that suicide bombings are justified by Islam where in the area there is a war between Muslims and infidels who try to occupy Islamic territory and drive its inhabitants from their land and homes. Suicide bombings under these circumstances are acts of resistance and fall into the category of jihad, because Muslims carry out these actions in order to protect the religion and soul that Allah is obliged to guard it.


Bombs, Suicide, Islamic Law

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