Pelatihan Kurikulum 2013 dalam Meningkatkan Profesionalitas Guru SMP IT Jabal Noor, Medan Krio, Sunggal, Deli Serdang

Neliwati Neliwati


ABSTRACT. The purpose of this community service was to train teachers how to
implement the 2013 curriculum. The target of this program was all teachers of Jabal
Noor Integrated Islamic Junior High School (called SMPIT) in Medan Krio,
Sunggal, Deli Serdang North Sumatera. It was hoped from this program that
the teachers are more professional in teaching and learning process. This program
uses an active learning approach, where the participants involved must be able
to actively participate in activities and assistance in implementing the 2013
curriculum. The results showed a change in mindset among 30 teachers about
the 2013 curriculum as an effort to encourage interactive learning. Among
them, there are 25 people who are getting better at implementing the 2013
curriculum in the following aspects:) curriculum ideas and designs, 2)
approaches in the curriculum, 3) understanding in conveying curriculum
concepts. Meanwhile, 5 people need special guidance.
Keywords: 2013 curriculum, Jabal Noor, teaching and learning process

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