dummy Pemanfaatan Biji Rambutan sebagai Emping Panganan Ringan Antidiabet | Dur | Jurnal Abdi Mas Adzkia

Pemanfaatan Biji Rambutan sebagai Emping Panganan Ringan Antidiabet

Sajaratud Dur, Dahlia Lubis


ABSTRACT. The community service is carried out in Rahuning Village Rahuning
District Asahan Regency. Rahuning Village has a special characteristic, namely that every house yard has one or the other than rambutan trees. So far, rambutan seeds have not been used but thrown away as waste. The service provides information and
interest in using rambutan seeds to become chips. These rambutan seed chips are
snacks or light snacks that function as antidiabetes. The manufacturing process is
relatively easy. The main process is the crushing/ slab process. This chips can also be varied with the addition of herbs or spices and other mixed ingredients such as tapioca flour, wheat flour, sago, flour, cornstarch , and others. These rambutan seed chips are a light snack as an additional food that functions as an anti-diabetic and provides additional economic value for local residents. Rambutan seeds, which have been categorized as waste, can now be used as a light snack in the form of chips which function as antidiabetes.
Keywords: chips, rambutan seeds, antidiabetes.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30829/adzkia.v1i2.8840


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