dummy Pemanfaatan Biji Durian sebagai Produk Olahan Makanan Kerupuk | Misrah | Jurnal Abdi Mas Adzkia

Pemanfaatan Biji Durian sebagai Produk Olahan Makanan Kerupuk

Misrah Misrah


Durian is one of the fruits that are very popular with people, especially in Southeast Asia which has many fans of consuming durian fruit, the taste is unique, the texture is soft like butter, often used as a variety of processed foods. It is known that Salak, Pak-Pak Bharat was one of the producers of durian fruit in North Sumatra. However, durian seeds are still not used and wasted. Therefore, the purpose of this community service is to educate its people to process durian seeds into crackers. From this program, people get knowledge about the use of durian seeds and will be used as additional income. In addition, there will also be socialization to the local government so that later it can be used as typical souvenirs of Pak-Pak Bharat

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30829/adzkia.v1i1.8496


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