Improving Students Understanding in Using of Grammarly to Check Grammar in Their Writing
This study examines the advantages and disadvantages of using Grammarly as perceived by students. Academic writing requires attention to language structure, yet students often face challenges due to limited knowledge of effective language principles. Grammarly, a widely used tool among students, assists in identifying sentence structure issues. This study seeks to identify Grammarly’s pros and cons by analyzing student experiences and feedback. Utilizing a qualitative descriptive approach, data were collected through a questionnaire completed by 25 students. The results indicate that while Grammarly is useful for grammar and structure checks, 89.5% of the participants acknowledge certain limitations affecting its effectiveness. Specifically, 50.8% of the feedback highlights these disadvantages, while 45.5% views Grammarly’s features positively. Additionally, 42.9% of students express mixed feelings about Grammarly’s benefits, showing both agreement and disagreement with the software’s effectiveness. In summary, although Grammarly provides valuable support in academic writing, students identify both strengths and limitations, with some expressing reservations about the tool's ability to fully meet their language-checking needs. The findings suggest that while Grammarly can be beneficial, its effectiveness varies, and it may not entirely replace the need for manual review.
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