dummy Penerapan Manajemen Kinerja untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas di Sekolah SD Swasta PAB 18 Sampali | Aswaruddin | Jurnal Abdi Mas Adzkia

Penerapan Manajemen Kinerja untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas di Sekolah SD Swasta PAB 18 Sampali

Aswaruddin Aswaruddin, Sania Nurhasanah, Ihsan Saraini, Cantika Amalia, Clara Tri Putri, Lusi Maghfirah


To achieve educational goals, optimal school performance is essential. Therefore, school performance management is very important. The aim of this research is to see how to implement performance management in educational institutions to improve their quality. The research method used is a qualitative and descriptive method, in the form of mini research at the PAB 18 Sampali school, Medan. And interviews and collecting some documentation in the form of photos and data about performance management at the PAB 18 Sampali school. Leadership style, school culture, stakeholder engagement, and teacher professional development all influence school performance management. Performance planning, monitoring and evaluation carried out regularly have been proven to improve the performance of educators and employees. Ultimately, this will improve the overall quality of the school.


management of human resources, school, teacher, student

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30829/adzkia.v5i2.18664


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