Changes in Emotional Intelligence Behavior in Early Childhood Through Dance Education at RA Amalia Darma, Sunggal District, Deli Serdang Regency
Education with the dimension of EQ (Emotional Quotient) can be found in the concept of dance education. This research was conducted to examine the process of implementation and the enhancement of emotional intelligence in early childhood through dance learning using a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques included structured interviews, participant observations, and document studies. Data analysis was conducted by reducing, clarifying, describing, concluding, and selectively interpreting all information. Data verification techniques used dependability and confirmability.The findings of this study indicate that the process of implementing dance education for early childhood is inseparable from the teaching and learning process, which includes: objectives, learning materials, teaching methods, learning facilities and infrastructure, evaluation, and social and cultural conditions. The enhancement of emotional intelligence in early childhood through dance education can be observed through: (1) the emergence of a sense of pride, (2) having courageous traits, (3) the ability to control emotions, (4) refining character, (5) fostering a sense of responsibility, (6) developing independence, (7) ease of interacting with others, (8) achieving good performance, (9) developing imagination, and (10) becoming a creative child.
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