Education on The Concept of Kafa’ah in Determining a Spouse in Islamic Fiqih Leaning (Study of MAN 2 Medan Students)

Sakban Lubis, Nanda Rahayu Agustia, Bahtiar Siregar, Dinda Musaffa Simbolon


This research discusses the concept of kafa’ah in determining a soul mate in the context of learning Islamic jurisprudence, with a focus on students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 2 Medan. Kafa’ah is one of the important principles in Islam which relates to the compatibility of partners in marriage, including aspects of religion, heredity, profession and social status. This research aims to explore the extent of students' understanding of the concept of kafa’ah as well as how it is applied in real life, especially in the process of determining a mate. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach with interview and observation methods. The research results show that students' understanding of the concept of kafa’ah still varies, but the majority of students understand the importance of considering this aspect in marriage. Learning fiqh at MAN 2 Medan plays an important role in providing a deeper understanding of Islamic principles related to marriage, including the concept of kafa’ah.

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