Technology-Based Collaborative Learning Design at Politeknik Media Kreatif: Integrating Computer Science and Islamic Values

Khiaril Anwar


This study develops a technology-based collaborative learning design implemented at Politeknik Media Kreatif, focusing on the integration of computer science and Islamic values. The primary goal of this design is to create an interactive, innovative, and relevant learning ecosystem aligned with the demands of the digital era while embedding ethical and moral values rooted in Islamic principles. The research adopts a research and development (R&D) approach using the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The resulting design includes a collaborative digital platform facilitating project-based learning and group discussions. Each learning module integrates technology concepts such as programming, multimedia design, and data management with Islamic ethical teachings such as honesty, cooperation, and responsibility. Trials of the design demonstrated significant improvements in students' technical skills as well as their understanding and application of Islamic values in the learning process. This design contributes to developing holistic learning that empowers students intellectually and spiritually while preparing them for the dynamic challenges of the professional world.

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