The Application of Islamic Principles in Developing Entrepreneurial Spirit Among Politeknik Media Kreatif Students
Entrepreneurship education plays a crucial role in preparing students to face the challenges of the modern economy. At Politeknik Media Kreatif, integrating Islamic principles into entrepreneurial development offers a unique approach to fostering ethical and innovative entrepreneurial skills. This study explores how Islamic values such as trustworthiness (amanah), honesty (siddiq), and diligence (ijtihad) are implemented in entrepreneurship education and their impact on students' entrepreneurial mindset and behavior. Through qualitative analysis, this research highlights the significance of aligning spiritual values with practical entrepreneurial skills. The findings reveal that incorporating Islamic principles not only strengthens students' moral integrity but also enhances their ability to create innovative, sustainable business solutions. This study concludes that a holistic approach to entrepreneurship education, grounded in Islamic ethics, can produce creative entrepreneurs with strong ethical foundations, ready to contribute positively to society.
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