Integration of Computer Science Technology in Learning at Politeknik Media Kreatif Based on Islamic Values
The integration of technology in education has become an urgent necessity in the digital era, particularly in vocational higher education institutions such as Politeknik Media Kreatif. This article aims to explore the implementation of computer science technology in learning by emphasizing Islamic values as ethical and moral guidelines. A qualitative-descriptive approach was employed, collecting data through interviews, observations, and document analysis of educational programs at Politeknik Media Kreatif. The findings indicate that integrating computer science technology not only enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of learning but also serves as a medium for instilling Islamic values such as honesty, responsibility, and collaboration. By utilizing digital learning media rooted in Islamic principles, students acquire not only technical skills but also strengthened character aligned with religious teachings. This study recommends developing a curriculum that combines technology, creativity, and Islamic values to produce graduates who are professionally competent and morally upright.
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