Integrating Life Skills into Islamic Boarding School Education: Insights from Pesantren Modern Darul Ma'rifat Deli Serdang
This study explores the integration of life skills education within the curriculum of Pesantren Modern Darul Ma'rifat, aiming to prepare students with essential skills for personal, social, and professional life while grounded in Islamic values. As a pesantren that combines traditional religious education with practical life skills, Darul Ma'rifat addresses the growing need for pesantren graduates to adapt to modern societal demands. The research applies a qualitative framework, utilizing observations, interviews, and document analysis to investigate how various life skills spiritual, academic, social, critical thinking, and vocational are embedded in the students’ daily routines and learning activities. Findings reveal that through structured religious practices, students develop discipline, responsibility, and self-awareness. Activities like bahtsul masa’il foster critical thinking and analytical skills, while participation in the student organization OPPMDM and mentoring programs enhance social skills and leadership. Additionally, the curriculum integrates Islamic studies with general knowledge subjects, encouraging intellectual development, and includes vocational training in entrepreneurship, agriculture, and martial arts to support students’ independence and adaptability. The study concludes that Pesantren Darul Ma'rifat provides a model of holistic Islamic education, effectively blending religious values with life skills education to produce well-rounded individuals prepared for both personal growth and societal contributions. This approach demonstrates that Islamic education can adapt and remain relevant in addressing the complexities of modern life.
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