The Effect of Household Waste Management on Environmental Wuality Based on Law Number 32 of 2009 Coucerning Environmental Protection and Management.
Household waste is one of the main contributors to environmental pollution. Exposure to household waste can lead to a variety of health problems, from skin and respiratory diseases to more serious illnesses. Waste that is not managed properly can also damage natural habitats and disrupt the balance of the ecosystem. The environment is everything that affects the lives of living things, including humans. Environmental pollution is the entry of foreign substances into the environment that disrupt the balance of the ecosystem. The implementation of the concept of a healthy environment in daily life often faces various challenges, especially in the context of community life. Industrial development and population growth have led to increased exploitation of natural resources and environmental pollution. This narrative discusses the responsibilities of environmental pollution perpetrators and the conflict between economic interests and environmental conservation. Sustainable development is a solution offered to balance these two aspects. This study uses a triangulation approach to explore the factors that cause weak environmental law enforcement in Medan Krio Village. Through document studies, observations, and in-depth interviews, this study succeeded in identifying various obstacles faced in environmental law enforcement efforts at the village level Improper household waste management causes various negative impacts, such as environmental pollution, the emergence of diseases, and threats to biodiversity. Factors that cause this problem include low public awareness, weak law enforcement, and limited infrastructure and technology. To overcome this problem, a comprehensive effort involving various parties is needed
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