Hadith Analysis of The Manyanggar Culture of The Banjar Community in Serdang Bedagai
The Banjar community in Serdang Bedagai is thought to have entered the 17th-18th century. The majority of Banjarese people are Muslim. Manyanggar is a form of traditional ritual carried out as an expression of gratitude, asking for safety, or as a form of supplication to the Almighty. This practice involves various symbols and processions passed down from generation to generation in the Banjar community. In practice, manyanggar can derail the perpetrators into acts of shirk. In the Al-Qur'an, there is a prohibition on shirk in surah Al-A'raf verses 195, 196,197,198. Rasulullah Saw. also said that whoever resembles a people is part of it. In this research, qualitative methods with a descriptive-analytical approach were used to examine the relevance of the Manyanggar tradition to Islamic teachings, especially through the study of hadith. The aim of the research is to analyze the hadith understanding of the Manyanggar cultural tradition, to review, harmonize and maintain harmony between local culture and Islamic values in community life in Serdang Bedagai. The results of the analysis show that some elements in the Manyanggar tradition are in harmony with Islamic values, such as attitudes of gratitude and prayer. There are also elements that require adjustments so that they do not conflict with sharia principles. Therefore, efforts are needed to reinterpret Manyanggar culture so that it remains relevant to Islamic teachings without losing the essence of local traditions.
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