Implementation of the Concept of Wahdatul Ulum in Self -Management Towards the Formation of Insan Kamil
One concept that can be used in self-management is Wahdatul Ulum or the unity of knowledge. This concept originates from the Islamic intellectual tradition, emphasizing the importance of studying and practicing knowledge in a holistic and integrated manner, without separating religious knowledge from general knowledge. The research method used in this study is a qualitative approach with a library research method, collecting data and information from various written sources. This research aims to deeply examine the concept of Wahdatul Ulum and its implementation in self-management to achieve insan kamil (the perfect human). Self-management plays an important role in realizing insan kamil through time and priority management, self-discipline development, self-evaluation and improvement, creating a conducive environment, as well as integrating physical and spiritual aspects in a balanced manner. By integrating religious sciences ('ulūm shar‘īyah) and worldly sciences ('ulūm kawniyah), humans are expected to understand their essence as creatures created by Allah SWT with the duty and responsibility to worship Him and to prosper the earth in the best way possible. By consistently implementing Wahdatul Ulum in self-management, individuals can achieve the perfection of life as insan kamil, constantly devoted to Allah SWT and benefiting fellow human beings as well as the universe.
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