The Future of Teachers in the Automation Era: Which Competencies Remain Irreplaceable by Technology?

Surya Rahmani Dawolo, Junaidi Arsyad


This study aims to explore the roles and competencies of teachers that remain relevant in the era of automation. With rapid technological advancements, many aspects of education have undergone transformation; however, the role of teachers is still considered essential. The results show that interpersonal competencies, such as empathy and communication, as well as the ability to facilitate critical and creative learning, are aspects that cannot be replaced by technology. Additionally, teachers are expected to possess skills in integrating technology into the learning process, allowing them to act as mediators between students and digital resources. The study employs a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach to deeply explore teachers' subjective experiences in facing these changes. The phenomenological approach was chosen because it helps researchers understand how teachers perceive their roles and identify competencies that remain essential, such as interpersonal skills, empathy, and creativity, which play important roles in building relationships with students. Through in-depth interviews with teachers, this study uncovers key themes regarding competencies that cannot be automated. The study also highlights the importance of continuous professional development for teachers to remain relevant in the face of change. These findings provide insights for educational stakeholders in designing curricula and training programs that support the enhancement of teacher competencies amidst rapid technological changes. Therefore, this study concludes that while technology plays an important role in education, certain teacher competencies remain irreplaceable and are crucial for holistic learning development.


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