Bibliometric Study on Islamic Education: Review and Research Trends

Lismaya Lubis, Junaidi Arsyad


Islamic education has garnered significant attention from academics and researchers in recent years. This study aims to conduct a comprehensive bibliometric analysis to explore and map research trends in Islamic education. The analysis covers research topics, productivity, inter-researcher collaboration, and distribution of publications in scientific journals. Using bibliometric analysis methods, data was collected from various scientific publication databases, primarily Scopus, for 2019-2024. The findings reveal that the most researched topics in Islamic education during this period include curriculum issues, learning methodologies, management of Islamic educational institutions, and teacher competency development. Research productivity is reflected in the increasing number of publications each year. Additionally, patterns of inter-researcher collaboration show improvement, with many publications involving international cooperation. The distribution of publications is also identified in prestigious journals in Islamic Education and Islamic Studies. This bibliometric study provides a comprehensive overview of research trends in Islamic Education from 2019 to 2024. The findings are expected to serve as a reference for academics, researchers, and other stakeholders in guiding research development and policy in the field of Islamic Education in the future.

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