Development of Cultural History Learning Model Based on Ibrah Maw’izah in Madrasah in Banda Aceh
The purpose of learning Islamic Cultural History is to learn from the historical journey of past civilizations. The purpose of this research is to understand the development of the Islamic Cultural History (SKI) learning model based on Ibrah Maw’izah in madrasahs in Banda Aceh City. This study uses a qualitative approach, with informants as Islamic Cultural History teachers at the MI, MTsN, and MA levels throughout Banda Aceh City. The results indicate that after receiving guidance and training on the Islamic Cultural History (SKI) learning model based on Ibrah Maw’izah, the learning activities have become very conducive. The students are enthusiastic about seeking out the concepts directed to them and then finding ibrah in the form of Qur'anic wisdom derived from the interpretations of renowned scholars. Students then categorize the types of ibrah based on the topics, guided by their teachers. In the Islamic Cultural History (SKI) learning activities implemented, teachers guide students to reflect on and appreciate the values contained within each form of ibrah, whether in the form of lessons, advice, or warnings. Teachers help students rethink and reflect in such a way that it touches their spiritual feelings, with the hope that these lessons can be applied in daily life. As a result, the Islamic Cultural History (SKI) learning model based on Ibrah Maw’izah is favored by students, and their academic performance has significantly improved. The conclusion of this research is that the development of the Islamic Cultural History (SKI) learning model based on Ibrah Maw’izah in madrasahs in Banda Aceh City is effective in improving students' performance, both academically and behaviorally, because it touches their emotions, encourages reflection, and motivates the practice of Islamic values in everyday life.
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