Implementation of Student Management
In order to ensure that educational objectives are met in an efficient and effective manner, student management is used to control and direct all student activities. In order to achieve educational objectives as a whole, it is necessary to have a system in place to manage students in a way that allows them to participate actively and calmly in all learning activities. Education as a disciplining tool works best when students' beliefs and actions are congruent with those of the madrasah. If madrasahs want to be safe and welcoming places for students to learn, they must do what is necessary to enforce the rules. Teachers need to take each student's mental health into account when deciding how to discipline them. By utilizing the literature study model, this study demonstrates that student management involves various activities that can help students reach their full potential. These activities include: new student orientation, discipline development through shaping students' attitudes, appearance, and behavior to align with relevant values, norms, and regulations; and providing services to students in an educational institution both during and outside of class time. Orientation and disciplinary development, monitoring student progress toward learning outcomes, and welcoming new students are the three primary responsibilities of this kind of student management.
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