Educational Innovation Through Strengthening The Position Of Religious Education In The Context Of National Education

Aldiansyah Aldiansyah


The aim of this scientific study is to analyze more deeply Islamic education by strengthening the position of religious education in the context of national education. This scientific study uses qualitative research methods with a historical approach. The data used in this study are secondary data, including books and journals that are in accordance with the topic being studied. The results of the analysis state that Islamic education is not only a means of transferring knowledge and developing basic human potential, but also as an actualization of Islamic values in order to be free from ignorance. This is supported by the existence of the Joint Decree of 3 Ministers, Law on the National Education System No. 2 of 1989 and Law No. 20 of 2003, which bridge Islamic educational institutions (madrasahs) to be able to contribute directly to efforts to educate the nation's life. Madrasahs have been given a strategic position as a form of formal educational institution recognized by the Indonesian government, as well as with other formal educational institutions. Even Law No. 20 of 2003 also gives extraordinary existence to Islamic education as a compulsory subject in elementary, secondary, and higher education.

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