Implementation Formal Education Financing Management (Case Study At Mi Swasta Mutiara Sunggal Deli Serdang District)

Suzatmiko Wijaya, Dody Yogaswara


The efficiency and efficacy of educational administration are bolstered by financial resources. First, the sources of funding for MI SWASTA MUTIARA MI education; second, the methods for managing the revenue budget for MI SWASTA MUTIARA education financing; third, the use of the MI SWASTA MUTIARA education budget; and fourth, the responsibility for educational financing of MI SWASTA MUTIARA. Interviews, participant observation, and written records make up the data gathering procedures of this qualitative study.First, the general public, MI SWASTA MUTIARA parents, and regular contributors are the primary sources of school funding. Second, an income budget accomplishment program has been developed to manage education funding. Three, the allocation of funds from the education financing budget is adjusted according to the initial management that has been established and agreed upon based on existing guidelines or benchmarks. Four, accountability for educational financing at MI SWASTA MUTIARA is in line with management and is put into action at the end of the year. These programs are based on predetermined time periods. The treasurer, in their capacity as financial coordinator, is accountable for the use of the finance budget.

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