Implementation of Religion Moderation Through Education
A more in-depth examination of religious moderation in terms of tolerance is the goal of this conversation. The goal is to have a better understanding of the nature and extent of religious tolerance and moderation. This study falls under the category of library research, namely that which draws its data from relevant literature and then analyzes its contents. According to the results of this research, religious concord necessitates moderation, as this is the only method to bring about harmony among different faiths and ideologies. To navigate Indonesia's religiously varied landscape, we need strategies that promote religious moderation, value variety, and avoid extremes of ideology like radicalism, intolerance, and extremism. Only then can we hope to see religious life practiced in peace and harmony. Tolerance of other faiths does not mean adopting one other's worldviews. Not even for discussing religious ideas with those of other faiths. A notion of mu'amalah (social interaction) tolerance is at work here, with the goal of establishing mutually acceptable limits on behavior. In a tolerant framework, this is the core of moderation: everyone should be able to keep their emotions in check and make room for others to do the same, so that people may celebrate diversity without repressing their own identities or opinions.
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