Implementation of School Based Management in Improving The Quality of Education (A Case Study at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Model Medan)
Examining how Madrasas use School Based Management (SBM) is the main goal of this study. The fascinating thing about studying madrasah education is that it became a model for Islamic schools, which are more formal and include current Islamic thought, following madrasah Islamic boarding schools. But there are a lot of issues with input, process, and product quality in madrasas as well. Researchers will examine the implementation of School Based Management in the Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 2 Medan Model utilizing data from that model. Methods such as field notes, interviews, and documentation are used to gather data. Researchers use phenomenology as an analytical tool to try to comprehend things that are invisible to the human based on their subjective experience by revealing the realities and experiences that people have. In order to get the most out of the data collected, researchers will get out into the field, sketch out and build upon the current reality, and approach information sources. The researcher interviewed the Head of Madrasah AliyahNegeri (MAN) 2 Model Medan as the subject of the study, as well as members of the administration, teachers, employees, and parents of MBS as well as the Head of the Ministry of Religion of Medan City, Kasi, who could provide information regarding MBS policies. Researchers found that Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Medan Model's use of the School-Based Sharia Management Concept (MBS) had positive outcomes. The democratic leadership of the madrasa head is one of the SBM concept's strong points; under this model, the madrasa head is effective in all of his responsibilities as a teacher, manager, administrator, supervisor, innovator, and motivator. In addition, the community's involvement is evident in the material and non-material aid given to Madrasah AliyahNegeri 2 Model Medan.
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