Integration of Adaptive Learning Technology in the Context of Islamic Education in Indonesia
Adaptive learning technologies have changed the dynamics of the teaching and learning process, allowing the personalization of Education according to the needs and abilities of each student. This article examines the potential integration of adaptive learning technologies in Islamic Education in Indonesia, highlighting its ability to strengthen Islamic traditions and values while improving the quality of learning. The technology provides customized feedback and delivers relevant content, allowing students to delve into the teachings of the Quran, Hadith, and other Islamic subjects efficiently. In addition, this technology can help educators allocate resources more effectively and support inclusivity by accommodating various student learning needs. While offering many benefits, this technology integration also faces challenges, such as the quality of digital content, teacher training needs, and alignment with Islamic values. This research uses qualitative methods and literature studies to explore practical strategies for integrating adaptive learning technologies into the Islamic religious education curriculum. The results are expected to provide insights for educators and policymakers on how to leverage these technologies to improve student engagement and learning outcomes and develop curricula that are more responsive to individual needs. In conclusion, adaptive learning technology has great potential to improve the quality of Islamic Education in Indonesia, creating a more personalized, inclusive, and efficient learning experience while respecting traditional Islamic values.
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