The Intellectual-Religious History of Haramayn in the Late Medieval Period

Intan Permata Sari Zega


The 17th to 19th centuries marked a significant period in the intellectual and religious development of Makkah and Madinah, the two holy cities known as Haramayn. During this era, Hijaz was under the control of the Ottoman Dynasty, which had a considerable influence on the political stability and security of the region. Despite facing various challenges, including political instability and security issues, Makkah and Madinah remained important centers for intellectual and religious activities, particularly in the study of hadith and the development of Sufism. This research aims to explore how intellectual and religious dynamics evolved in Haramayn from the 17th to the 19th centuries and the impact of cosmopolitanism resulting from the Hajj pilgrimage on the characteristics of intellectual and religious activities in the region. The activities of hadith studies and the harmonization between Sharia and Sufism were the main focus of intellectual development in Haramayn. The scholars in Haramayn, who came from various geographical backgrounds, played a significant role in spreading reformist thoughts throughout the Islamic world. The cosmopolitanism that emerged due to the Hajj pilgrimage also influenced the development of intellectual activities in Haramayn, making it a rich center of cultural and intellectual exchange. Through this research, it is hoped to reveal how the interactions between pilgrims from various cultural and geographical backgrounds contributed to shaping the cosmopolitan character of Haramayn and its important role as an intellectual and spiritual center in the Islamic world. This research provides an in-depth insight into the role of Makkah and Madinah in the intellectual-religious history of Islam and how the dynamics of cosmopolitanism influenced this development.

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