Environmental Preservation In A Review Of Prophetic Hadith

Aidi Rahmat


The environment is one of the prerequisites for survival with land, water and air as the main components. Failure to maintain its existence means failure to form the basis for the duties of the caliphate. Considering the strategic position of the environment, as well as the availability of religious doctrines both from the Qur'an and hadith, it is deemed necessary to continue to elaborate on the content of verses and hadith about the environment. The aim of this research is to find out what is the quality and understanding of hadith about environmental preservation? What is the quality and understanding of hadith regarding environmental use? What is the quality and understanding of hadith regarding preventing environmental damage? The method used in this paper is descriptive qualitative research with hadith sharia, linguistic, sociological and normative theological approaches. Based on the criticism of sanad, hadith related to the environment, whether it is maintenance by planting trees, utilization through optimal use of unused land and prevention of damage through the prohibition of throwing away dirt/waste, is of authentic quality. The content of each hadith regarding the environment is clearly positively correlated with the spirit of the Holy Quran and Hadith. The hadith related to protecting the environment from pollution shows that humans' dependence on the environment is a certainty, so the Prophet prepared a number of environmental management rules.

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