Representation of Living Hadith in National Integration and Indonesian Identity
Misinterpretations in translating religious texts due to group exclusivity often trigger attitudes of radicalism and vandalism in religious and national life, such as rejecting traditional customs and even classifying perpetrators as heretical. Therefore, this research aims to position Living Hadith as the intellectual work of Hadith science academics from Indonesia as a medium for synergizing nationalist integration and national identity summarized in the theological ideology of Pancasila with qualitative research methods in the type of literature study. The result is the discovery of similarities between Pancasila and the structure of the Living Hadith methodology in contouring religion with culture as a unifier of the nation and supporter of the Religious Moderation program in Indonesia. Through phenomenological research methods in the type of literature study approach, narrative studies, ethnography, sociology of knowledge, and social history within the Living Hadith methodology, it can articulate a comprehensive configuration of understanding religious texts so that Hadith as a source of Islamic law will not be considered a factor in destructive conflicts within a multicultural society.
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