Buying Sunnah: Hadith Practicing among The Jama’ah Tabligh in Medan City

Muhammad Ismailsyah Sembiring


This study aims to analyze the practice of hadith in the daily life of Tabligh Jama'ah in Medan City, focusing on sunnah commodities such as gamis, turban, siwak, perfume, dates, honey, olive oil, kohl, and habbatussauda. These commodities are adopted as part of their efforts to emulate the Prophet Muhammad's lifestyle in terms of dress, health, food, and hygiene. Through a qualitative approach, this study explores how Tabligh Jama'ah interpret and practice the sunnah based on the traditions related to the use of these commodities. With a qualitative approach, this study uses a case study method to deeply understand the religious practices of Jama'ah Tabligh which is known for its focus on the implementation of the Prophet's sunnah. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews with members of Jama'ah Tabligh, participant observation during da'wah activities, and document studies related to their religious teachings and practices. The data obtained were then analyzed using thematic analysis to identify common patterns in the practice of hadith carried out by Jama’ah Tabligh. The findings show that the use of these sunnah goods is not only seen in terms of material benefits, but also has spiritual and symbolic dimensions in order to strengthen Islamic identity. Tabligh Jama'ah in Medan view the practice of this sunnah as an integral part of their da'wah, as well as a form of commitment to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad Saw. This research provides insight into how the understanding and practice of hadith affects the daily lives of Tabligh Jama'ah members, especially in the context of consumption and use of sunnah commodities.

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