Islam and Pluralism: The Challenge of Religious Life in Multicultural Societies

Astri Hikmayati Okastina


Religious pluralism is an inevitable reality in modern multicultural societies, including Indonesia, which is rich in religious, ethnic, and cultural diversity. In this context, Muslims face the challenge of practicing their faith while coexisting with followers of other religions. This study aims to examine Islamic views on pluralism and identify the challenges Muslims face in practicing their religious life within a multicultural society. The research employs a qualitative approach through a literature review of several books and journals relevant to the study. The findings indicate that Islam supports values of coexistence, peace, and tolerance, as reflected in the teachings of the Qur'an and Hadith. However, theological and social challenges persist, such as religious exclusivism, social prejudice, and religion-based political polarization. The study suggests that intensive interfaith dialogue, multicultural education, and strengthening the role of religious leaders in promoting tolerance can help address these challenges. In conclusion, Islam provides a strong foundation for living within pluralism, but its application in daily life requires more intensive efforts from various parties.

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