Strategy for Implementing Multicultural Islamic Education at MTSS Ibadurrahman Stabat, Langkat Regency, North Sumatera

Armansyah Armansyah


The purpose of this scientific study is to examine in more depth the strategy of implementing Islamic education in a multicultural society, especially at MTSS Ibadurrahman Stabat. This scientific study uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. The data used in this study are primary data (interview and observation results) and secondary data (journals and books). The analysis flow of this scientific study uses the theory of Miles & Huberman, with source triangulation techniques as a test of data validity. The results of the study state that the strategy of implementing multicultural Islamic education is key to overcoming multicultural challenges by utilizing opportunities from Islamic education. In its implementation, several approaches can be taken in the strategy of implementing multicultural Islamic education, namely curriculum development, teacher training, interfaith dialogue, and community involvement. Referring to the focus of this study, it is known that MTSS Ibadurrahman Stabat is one of the Islamic educational institutions that also implements a multicultural Islamic education strategy. Inclusively, multicultural Islamic education is not only classroom learning but is also applied in everyday life in the MTSS Ibadurrahman Stabat environment, as well as the surrounding community. So that the strategy can optimize the results of the implementation of multicultural Islamic education, namely forming a complete human being with personality values based on Islamic law and Pancasila (multicultural).

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