Religious Harmonization: Mitigation Strategies on Diversity Tension in Global Society
Religious tensions have become a challenge for global society, often leading to conflict and division. Resolving these tensions and seeking harmony is critical to promoting peace and coexistence among religious communities. This research aims to explore strategies for mitigating religious tensions in global society. Using qualitative methods, this paper analyzes various sources, especially literature studies. The findings show that religious moderation is an effective mitigation strategy for reducing religious tensions in global society. Governments need to prioritize education for interfaith engagement, as this will promote social cohesion and tolerance. In addition, interfaith dialogue and collaboration should be encouraged at both local and international levels, thereby enabling individuals from different religious backgrounds to unite and build mutual understanding. These strategies must also be complemented by efforts to address socio-economic disparities and promote inclusive policies that accommodate the diverse needs of different religious communities. It is important to prioritize religious moderation, encourage equality of education in interfaith engagement, encourage interfaith dialogue and collaboration, address socio-economic disparities, and implement inclusive policies that accommodate the diverse needs of people whose religious communities differ. The contribution of this article is to accelerate government policies to carry out actions for religious harmony that reduce tensions in global society.
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