Legal Protection for Consumers Who Experience Losses in Transactions Buy and Sell Online

Bambang Fitrianto


Buying and selling transactions through electronic media or e-commerce is one form of trade transaction that is most influenced by the development of information technology. Through this trading transaction, the concept of traditional markets (where sellers and buyers physically meet) has changed to the concept of telemarketing (long-distance trading via the internet). The type of research used in this research is normative legal research. Users tempted by fake gifts, High unemployment and poverty Legal protection for consumers who are harmed in E-Commerce transactions is listed in Article 53 Paragraph (1) letter b Government Regulation Number 71 of 2019 concerning Trading Through Electronic Systems If there is a dispute in Trading Through Electronic Systems, the parties can resolve disputes through courts or through other dispute resolution mechanisms in accordance with Article 72 (1) Government Regulation Number 71 of 2019

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