Criminal Law Policy in Handling Street Children Who Commit Crime

Muhammad Arif Sahlepi


Handling of children, especially street children who commit crimes, is not balanced with many parties also thinking about and taking concrete steps. Likewise, in efforts to protect children's rights as perpetrators of criminal acts, many do not pay much attention to the interests and future of children. In fact, children are part of the younger generation as successors to the ideals of the struggle of the nation and state. The method used in this research is Empirical Juridical, analytical descriptive research specifications, primary and secondary data collection. Primary data collection was carried out by interviews with respondents. The criminal law policy in dealing with criminal acts committed by street children in Indonesia is currently still one with the policy in dealing with children in general. The policies used in dealing with street children are based on the Criminal Code and Law no. 3 of 1997 concerning Juvenile Courts which has now been replaced by Law No. 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System

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