Revisiting Hadith In Kitab Perukunan Melayu Of The Work By Jamal Ad-Din Al-Banjariy

Syahruddin Siagian


Kitab Perukunan Melayu” written by Sheikh Jamaluddin Al-Banjari is one of the books that still exists in use since 1315 H / 1897 AD until now, covering the study of the Pillars of Faith ('Aqidah), the Pillars of Islam (Shari'ah), and Akhlaq (Tashawuf). This research discusses the Khazanah Hadith in the archipelago with the focus of the study "Kitab Perukunan Melayu by Sheikh Jamaluddin Al-Banjari in the Study of Authenticity. After a study of the book, it was found that Sheikh Jamaluddin Al-Banjari wanted to convey a message to readers about the rites of Fiqh Ibadah by quoting several categories of Hadith (some are sahih, hasan da'if, and Maudhu') which were used as a basis for legitimizing thinking in his book. As an alternative solution from this research. hopefully later it can contribute to finding the source of the Hadith, finding the completeness of the editorial and its quality, and offering alternative Hadith that are more accurate and meaningful to the Hadith in the book. Then it can find out the relevance of the book to the religious rites of the Tanjung Balai Asahan Madya City which consists of heterogeneous ethnicities and religions.

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