Transformation of the Islamic Religious Education Curriculum in Indonesia

Rudiansyah Anggara


The implementation of good learning requires a good curriculum as well. The curriculum as a learning tool contains objectives, content, and learning materials used during learning to achieve educational goals, so that transformation is needed in curriculum development, including the Islamic religious education curriculum to achieve learning objectives in schools. This article aims to explain how the transformation of the Islamic Religious Education curriculum from time to time in Indonesia, starting from the pre-independence period, the old order period, the new order period, to the reform period. The method used in this article is a literature study related to literature data collection methods, reading and recording, and processing research materials. The findings of this article show that the Indonesian Islamic religious education curriculum continues to experience renewal every time, such as in the pre-independence period the PAI curriculum was not so concerned and this education was heavily influenced by colonialism, in the old order period the PAI curriculum was divided into two curricula, namely the 1947 Curriculum, this curriculum was still thick with the style of the Japanese or Dutch Education system and the 1952-1964 Curriculum which contained teaching that had to be delivered to students, in the form of Indonesian Language subjects, Regional Languages, Natural Sciences, Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, and history. The PAI curriculum during the New Order period was divided into

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