Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas’ Contemplations About Islamic Education

Junaidi Arsyad, Maisaroh Ritonga


This research plans to analyze Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas' ideas about Islamic Education. This kind of examination is library research. The information examination procedure utilized in this exploration is content analysis method or the substance investigation strategy. The result of this research are: the idea of Islamic schooling as per Muhammad Naquib al-Attas is ta'dib; Islamic training expects to frame and create great people; As he would like to think, the Islamic instruction educational program ought to depict people and their temperament, which should be executed first at the college level, in light of the fact that as per him, colleges are an impression of the greatest degree of systematization, so the definition of the substance should start things out, this design and educational plan are slowly then applied at lower training levels. , the educational plan is taken from the double idea of people, the actual part of which is more connected with information on physical and specialized sciences, or fardhu kifayah; while the otherworldly state is all the more definitively connected with center information or fardhu 'ain; Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas' Islamic schooling technique comprises of the monotheism strategy, illustration and story strategies.

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