KH Imam Zarkasyi's Educational Thoughts

Rieke Diana Putri


This article examines the concept of Islamic education from KH Imam Zarkasyi's perspective starting from his life history, the works he produced, as well as his educational thoughts which are relevant to Islamic education. The reality is that Islamic education is not yet ready to answer such complex challenges. In it, the difficulties faced are related to the aspect of Islamic teaching as an instruction program, in particular: the problem of the dichotomy of education, the wrong orientation of Islamic education, a narrow understanding of the nature of Islamic teachings, and the continued exclusivity (separated from others) of the implementation of Islamic education. Meanwhile technological progress, where one side can have an influence, creates external challenges. On the other hand, this has the potential to be very unfortunate for students. The difficulties faced by Islamic education have empowered Islamic pioneers in Indonesia to contribute their thoughts in realizing Islamic schools in Indonesia. This paper uses library research with a qualitative approach. The results of this research are that KH Imam Zarkasyi's educational thoughts include 1) Educational Goals, 2) Learning Methods, 3) Educational Materials and Curriculum, 4) Mindset and freedom.

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