The Halalness of Vaccines in Islam (Hadith Analysis Study in MUI Fatwa Number 02 of 2021)

Zulfirman Manik


MUI Fatwa Number 02 of 2021 concerning the halalness of vaccines still has pros and cons among the public. People reject the fatwa because they doubt the accuracy of the hadith used. In addition, there are doubts about the side effects of vaccines on those who receive them and there are also those who doubt the halal nature of vaccines produced containing pork elements which make them haram. This has caused vaccination to cause polemics for some people until now. This research is related to the traditions contained in MUI fatwa number 02 of 2021. To understand this theme, research questions are asked what forms of hadiths about the halalness of vaccines and how the hadiths are understood. This research uses a qualitative type with a content analysis approach. The data source comes from MUI fatwa number 02 of 2021 with data collection through determining the object and unit of analysis. The findings of this study explain that the hadith contained in MUI fatwa number 02 of 2021 can be used as proof (maqbul). Other findings found that the content of the matan of these traditions has relevance to the halalness of vaccines

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