Ismail Raji Al-Faruqi's Pedagogical Thoughts

Khairul Huda Imami


Islamic education is a process that refers to efforts to develop a person's self in three aspects of life, namely views, attitudes and life skills.

The aim of transdisciplinary education is to prepare people to be caliphs on earth. Allah gives humans different potentials, namely nature and reason. Islamic education is also a process related to efforts to develop in a person three aspects of his life, namely views, attitudes and life skills.

This article discusses the biography, education and work of Ismail Raji al-Faruqi and examines the concept of pedagogical thinking from his perspective. The discussion results show that Islamic educational theory must be based on transdisciplinary knowledge, namely fundamental ideas about human nature.

Monotheism is al-Faruqi's foundation for education. Final Islamic education aims to make God the ultimate goal and enable people to fulfill their duties as caliphs. Al-Faruqi presents three guidelines for Islamic educational content or materials as follows: modern era treasures, classical Islamic treasures and integrating the Islamic educational curriculum. Because the idea of education is permeated by universal basic values and divine norms, such as the needs of creatures in harmony with their nature.

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