Theory of Islamic Education Vith and VII Hijri Centuries

Salamatun Raudhah, Khadimatul Quran


This paper reviews the theory of Education in the VI and VII Hijri centuries. This study aims to describe the historical setting, goals, and one of the figures, namely Ibn Taymiyah, as well as the stagnation of education in that century. The research method used in this study is Qualitative Research in the form of Manuscript Study, The findings are in the form of Ibn Taymiyyah's thoughts and the renewal of educational thinking (661 H - 728 H) Ahmed bin Abd al-Halim bin Taymiyyah was born in Harran, grew up in Damascus, and lived in Egypt and the Levant His thought was to carry out the mission of purifying the creed which is often claimed to be the survivor (firqah najiyah) as the Prophet's message about the birth of various groups in Islam. At that time (6th and 8th centuries AH), when Ibn Taymiyyah appeared on the tumultuous stage of Muslim history, Muslims in the East (Baghdad) were under the control of the Mongol army, some of whose soldiers converted to Islam and were influential in the life of the Muslim population at that time, but more formalities for political purposes.

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Scholarly Journals: Journals such as the "Journal of Islamic Studies," "Journal of Islam and Education," and "Muslim Education Quarterly" are good sources for recent articles and research on the basic concepts and goals of Islamic education.

"Islamic Education in Africa: Writing Boards and Blackboards" by Robert Launay. This book reviews the development of Islamic education in Africa, highlighting the basic concepts and goals of education in various African contexts.

"Philosophy of Islamic Education: Classical Views and Modern Interpretations" by Charlene Tan. This book provides insight into the philosophical thinking behind education in Islam and how the concept of education developed.


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