Justice in Polygamy: Study of Marriage Verses

Muhammad Abidin


This research aims to (1) describe the meaning of justice in the practice of polygamy and (2) analyze the concept of justice in polygamy in accordance with Islamic law based on the marriage verses approach. This research was designed using qualitative methods to be able to explain in as much detail as possible about justice in polygamy from the perspective of marriage verses. This research is a type of library research that takes references from books whose subject is justice. Meanwhile, the object of this research is the verse of the Koran which talks about justice in polygamy. To collect data, researchers used reading techniques and then recorded the results. Meanwhile, the analysis technique is descriptive. The results of this research are: the context of justice stated in Q.S An-Nisa verse 3 is justice in material form. As in Q.S An-Nisa verse 129, justice is in the form of affection, or love. Therefore, these verses imply that polygamy is permitted and cannot close the road to polygamy tightly and locked. A household that is described as harmonious is not just a monogamous family, or one wife. But polygamy still does not rule out the possibility of a harmonious family. Because it is impossible for Allah to impose or order something without the benefit of the people and His servants should carry it out according to their needs. God gives a signal that it is permissible to practice polygamy as long as it is possible on condition that it is fair. Although what is known is that there is nothing truly fair in the practice of polygamy.

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